31 of January - 6 of February, Moscow, Russia
DeepHackLab and Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology

(switch to Russian)

А 24/7 week-long hackathon and a scientific school
devoted to the cutting edge research for Q&A systems and text analysis
with the goal of solving The Allen AI Science Challenge
Leading researchers in the field of Q&A and dialogue systems, machine translation and other methods of knowledge mining and text analysis share knowledge with participants during talks and question answering sessions
24/7 Hacking
Building on the knowledge gained at the school, competing teams of bright hackers will use their coding skills and work on cracking the problem of intelligently answering questions. Solutions are submitted to the ongoing Kaggle challenge
An Interview for summer internships in Facebook AI Research,
All-Access participation in the leading technology/science conference - NVIDIA GTC 2016,
Skolkovo grant of 5M rubbles for the best startup idea
and more
Terms and Conditions
No registration fees but participation is strictly conditioned on onsite presence. We also plan to cover some travel expenses (a limited number of need-based awards). Read our FAQ for more details
Register and take part in the kaggle competition
Win the qualification round. Become one of the TOP-50 participants of DeepHack.Q&A
Hack the AI challenge within a team in Moscow
Kyunghyun Cho
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Center for Data Science, NYU
Rob Fergus
Research Scientist at Facebook AI Research. Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, NYU
Quoc V. Le
Ph.D., Research Scientist at Google Brain
Anatoly Levenchuk
CEO at, CSO at Russian branch of INCOSE, member of executive committee at Russian branch of SEMAT
Tomas Mikolov
Ph.D., Research Scientist at Facebook AI Research
Serge Shumsky
Ph.D., Founder & CEO at FactBook, Inc. Leader of Neuroassitants in Neuronet group of NTI
Oriol Vinyals
Ph.D., Research Scientist at Google Brain
Jason Weston
Ph.D., Research Scientist at Facebook AI Research
Wojciech Zaremba
OpenAI, PhD student at New York University and research scientist intern at Facebook AI Research.
Phil Blunsom
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford, EPSRC Early Career Fellow, Tutorial Fellow, St Hugh's College
Dmitry Vetrov
Associate professor, Skoltech and in faculty of Computer Sciences HSE, head of Bayesian methods research group
Jonathan Berant
PhD, post-doc at Google research, member of The Stanford Natural Language Processing Group
Eugene Legkiy
Founder & CEO at Segmento
Konstantin Vorontsov
Dr.Sc., Professor, Faculty of Computer Science, NRU HSE, Lecturer at School of data analysis, Yandex
Christopher Manning
Professor, Stanford University, Depts of Linguistics and Computer Science
Sergey Belan
CEO and founder of "Wikium". A member of the expert council of Business Growth Lab "Uplift.Club"
Alexey Minin
Dr. rer.-nat., Head of Deloitte Data Analytics Institute, Deloitte & Touche CIS
More speakers to be confirmed
This summer we dove into AI for Atari games

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